I work with academics, research organisations, think tanks and individuals on journal articles, research papers, book chapters and other academic publications. I can help authors to produce documents with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation that clearly conveys its meaning to the reader in consistent English language.
I can help by:
checking for errors and inconsistencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation;
suggesting where unclear sentences might need to be rewritten, and changing or querying any misused words;
suggesting how to shorten long sentences or paragraphs;
formatting documents to apply the required house style or checking that they comply with that style;
checking that section headings, as well as those for tables, figures, charts, graphs and appendices, are consistent and numbered consecutively and that sources are given where necessary;
cross-checking in-text references to tables, figures and charts;
checking the formatting of footnotes or endnotes;
cross-checking references and in-text citations; and
checking the format and spelling of reference lists and bibliographies.
I edit using Word and return documents with any suggested amendments and queries using track changes so that authors can decide whether these should be accepted or rejected.
For more information or a no-obligation quote, please email me at [email protected]
My rates depend on the level of editing required and the degree of urgency. To help establish the cost and timescale for working on a document, I may ask for a representative sample of the work along with any style guidelines to be applied.